Linda Kreger Silverman

Linda Kreger Silverman is naast psycholoog, onderzoekster en auteur van vele artikelen, hoofdstukken en boeken, ook een kundig en empatisch spreker over vele deelthema’s binnen het hoofdthema hoog- en uitzonderlijke begaafdheid.

Op een hele toegankelijke manier vertaalt Linda Kreger Silverman de complexiteit van de innerlijke ervaringen van ‘het zijn’ van hoogbegaafd, onderbouwd met geschiedenis, praktijkervaring en wetenschappelijk onderzoek.

Hieronder drie treffende uitspraken en vier toegankelijke lezingen gegeven door Linda Kreger Silverman, Ph.D. tijdens de conferentie Bijzonder Begaafd (2016).

Giftedness is largely invisible. The visible gifted are high achievers, and they only represent the tip of the iceberg. The vast majority of the world's millions of gifted children are hidden from view.

Out of Sync in a Competitive World

The unique inner lives of gifted children

When giftedness is removed from the realm of recognized achievement it becomes clear that it is a form of atypecal developement, which leads to unique experiences thoughout the life cycle.

Overexitabilities: windows into the inner world of the gifted

Upside-Down Brilliance: The Visual-Spatial Learner

Giftedness asynchrony. The most asynchonous child is the one who is very intelligent, but has learning disabilities. They are very often hidden and we don't find them, we don't recognize them, we don't meet their needs. Sometimes we are humiliating them. Not that we want that, not that we mean to, but we do. We humiliate learning disabled gifted children. We have to stop doing that, because they are gifted. They have that gifted awareness, that gifted sensitivity whether they can read or not, whether they can do math or not, wether they can write or not. They need to be educated in the level of their mind.